Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How did the dollar shortage occur?

The dog wants to point you in the direction of a great paper over at the BIS. The paper is entitled "The US dollar shortage in global banking and the international policy response" and is written by Patrick McGuire and Goetz von Peter. Here is the paper for your review:


This paper is a great examination and analysis (reconstruction of balance sheets) of data leading up to the shortage of the dollar.

Tell us what you think.......................

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is the safety temporary?

Congrats is in order for the current "Economic Recovery". However, it may be possible that, in economic terms (defined by long periods of time......i.e. years), the recovery could be short lived. It really depends on the time frame in which we define "success" (Dog's Opinion). It may even depend on the economic philosophical lens you observe it through. Here is the article:


Eliminating bias is an important art of scientific objectivism. This could have been lost over the years in analytical thinking. The dog would like to point you in the direction of a great book that might possibly help eliminate biased thinking. Here it is by William Minto, "Logic Inductive and Deductive":


Tell us what you think....................

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Economics and music??

Due to a great request by an excellent individual......... the dog wants you the reader to come up with a music playlist that describes the current economic situation. Currently, we already have two dedications......here they are:

"The Trees", by Rush

and "Welcome to the Occupation", by R.E.M.

The dog would like to dedicate this live version of "Bittersweet Symphony", by the Verve. What a great movie this was at the time.............

Tell us what you think......................

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

BIS information update.

The dog wants to point you the reader in the direction of a great working paper over at the BIS. The paper is written by Michael R. King and is entitled "Time to buy or just buying time? The market reaction to bank rescue packages". Here is the paper:


It is a fantastic statistical analysis of the financial intervention especially in the area of "CDS" aka "Credit Default Swaps" spreads IMHO.

Tell us what you think...............................

G20 claims financial intervention worked?

The dog always strives to bring you the reader great information. We have found some great info from the G20 meeting at The Pittsburgh Summit 2009. Here is the article entitled "Leaders' Statement: the Pittsburgh Summit":


Did the intervention work (short term)? Possibly. Has the financial alchemy put us in a worse long term situation?......time will tell IMHO.

Tell us what you think................................